Give up? Or forge forward?

I finally got one of my templates looking like I wanted after a great deal of on and off time. I was, however, rather horrified at the size of the pdf output – some of which seems to have been due to the image, but even deleting it it was as large as several dozen pages PDFs I used to to deliver on floppies back when you could still buy Tumbleweed and other competing technologies. So I went to the IRC channel for some advice and to see if there was a plan of any kind to generate better “this isn’t aimed at the printshop” level PDFs.

Now, first off, I did have a more helpful response than the one I am about to break spleen upon, though it was mostly a polite “we can’t do that yet, but we intend to improve” Which is cool. It’s honest, it’s to the point, and moves me along to my next decision.

No. the more vociferous answer was that an ePub exporter was coming and that I really didn’t want to make PDFs for tablets/web.


So it appears my options are

1) Produce a giant file.

2) Down sample that file in a way that will require manual index, bookmarks, etc.

3) Hack the pdf exporter to allow for less crazy  file sizes for my needs

4) Dump this toolstack and return to the barbed hugs of Adobe.








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