The past two weeks have been fraught with illness and dissappointment along with a nontrivial bit of failure moving forward on several fronts.
My primary task for the last week of January was sorting out project management. Something I’d done with steno notepads in the past. It works up to a point but it is terribly messy and the upkeep was awful. Most of the tools I have looked at seem better suited for software than publishing books. I’m unsure where to move from here. Worst case, I expect I’ll make due with Trello or a work-a-like.
I also started looking for a rules mate ( or mates ) for the Space Opera games in the backlog. There isn’t a lot out there in OGL space that is compatible with my intents. At least not that I’ve found. I suspect I will end up going with ZeroSpace as a prime, WhiteStar, or maybe go all the way back to d20 Future. I’m not certain, to be honest. For a good while though, I can stick to setting and history and general sketches of things that need a mechanics backend and hope something miraculous happens.
And then the Flu hit. I’ve usually been lucky the years I neglect to get a flu shot. I haven’t had it nasty since middle school. This year took me down pretty good. It was nearly a week be fore the fevers kept coming back. I’m almost back to normal now as it stands. Hopefully a more productive
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