What’s this all about?

Short version? This is my travels and troubles with Scribus.  I’m going to attempt to make some barely scientific use-case studies of attempts to rebuild some old projects of my originally done in Pagemaker 6.0/6.5.

My previous layout and publishing experience is in the RPG Industry. I have the dubious distinction of putting the first RPG Book through Lightning Print/Lightning Source and ushering in the new Print on Demand age. We were also an early adopter/tester/play-with-er of the digital formats, like Tumbleweed, Digital Paper,  and Acrobat before it was the clear winner.  The RPG industry uses all three targets pretty thoroughly and I’ll try to keep that firmly in mind.

I’m also just enough of a codemonkey to be annoying, so you’ll see that I’m working with the SVN trunk, rather than the released version in Fedora or on the Scribus site. I’ll try to be clear about when issues that occur are simply “Dude, unstable code, duh.” But at the same time, I expect to attempt bugfixes, file bugs, and generally attempt to help the Scribus devs help me.

The last category of thing I’ll talk about is what I think needs to happen to improve the project, based on both what I come across in this process and, well, wild ass theories. Should be fun.






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