Now this isn’t, strictly, a Desktop Publishing app and frankly, I’ll probably get some flack from some folks who aren’t terribly thrilled with the idea of it being used due to ownership but the fact remains it did the task I needed – fantastically.
That app is VirtualBox. My original Book sources are in Pagemaker 6.5 Plus. This is circa 1999 software an it will not, flat out not, install on a 64 bit Windows, such as the one I have on my Windows partition.
Not having a spare Windows 98/Win2K/WinXP 32 Bit box running around I needed a way to pull these books up and export text, compare fonts and styles, etc. Now, I’m using the OSS edition, and it might work even better under the Oracle branded version, I can’t say. That said, so far, it’s let me have access to my files as they once were. Hard to put an exact price on that.
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