Category: About
Progress Report: Week Ending February 10, 2017
The past two weeks have been fraught with illness and dissappointment along with a nontrivial bit of failure moving forward on several fronts. My primary task for the last week of January was sorting out project management. Something I’d done with steno notepads in the past. It works up to a point but it is…
The Project List
I have 3 categories of projects I have up in the air right now. Tabletop RPGs Modern Knights – This has two activities going on with it. The first is a heavy re-edit of the rules as they were.. not the most clear in the first edition. The second activity is splitting it between the…
Well, Huh.
I knew I hadn’t looked at this in a while but I was pretty sure it wasn’t that long ago. I’m looking at using this as part of my stay motivated and get stuff finished that are long over do process for 2017. yeah. I know. That’s how New Year’s Resolutions sound. Meh. I used…
Getting Back to it.
Quite a bit of idle here. Well, trying to get back to it. Skipped ahead to Modern Knights in the project list. So, Let’s restate the problem. As I said originally,, This is about rebuilding old projects originally done in Pagemaker 6/6.5 in Scribus. While I will be using SVN scribus, everything else will…
The Books
There are three projects I will be recreating using Scribus. The first is Lace and Steel, a novel Romantic Europe era RPG by the inexplicable Paul Kidd. The second edition of this game has interesting distinction of being the first RPG printed by Lightning Print before they changed their name to Lightning Source. It was…
What’s this all about?
Short version? This is my travels and troubles with Scribus. I’m going to attempt to make some barely scientific use-case studies of attempts to rebuild some old projects of my originally done in Pagemaker 6.0/6.5. My previous layout and publishing experience is in the RPG Industry. I have the dubious distinction of putting the first…
About the Useless User
There is a common view in OSS that end-users who don’t contribute to a project in any way other than *gasp* using the project aren’t terribly important. Some projects far more loudly than others. I’m of the strong view that this is a huge limiter in the adoption and useful to the user growth of…