Category: Frustrations

  • Progress Report: Week Ending February 10, 2017

    The past two weeks have been fraught with illness and dissappointment along with a nontrivial bit of failure moving forward on several fronts. My primary task for the last week of January was sorting out project management. Something I’d done with steno notepads in the past. It works up to a point but it is…

  • Give up? Or forge forward?

    I finally got one of my templates looking like I wanted after a great deal of on and off time. I was, however, rather horrified at the size of the pdf output – some of which seems to have been due to the image, but even deleting it it was as large as several dozen…

  • The most recent WTF…

    After a bit of a break, I’ve come back to the book again and spent a little time looking at alternative faces for the previously mentioned Blambot choice, Wicked Queen. I went back and looked at another Comics inspired fontmaker, Iconian Fonts to see if I could find something that suited.  To the left you’ll…

  • Getting Back to it.

    Quite a bit of idle here. Well, trying to get back to it. Skipped ahead to Modern Knights in the project list. So, Let’s restate the problem.  As I said originally,, This is about rebuilding old projects originally done in Pagemaker 6/6.5 in Scribus. While I will be using SVN scribus, everything else will…

  • Another Tool I haven’t quite found a replacement for…

    A decent outlining tool.   Any thoughts?

  • The First Challenge – Master Pages

    The Pharos Press Edition of Lace and Steel made use of two sets of Master Pages. The first set blank, the second a set of right, left sidebar pages with a sword and rose emblem. For some reason, inexplicable to me, this emblem art was saved as an EPS. Probably because it was the only…

  • Building Scribus 150 SVN

    I will try not to dwell much on issues building issues and dependency hell because it is a somewhat different problem than the point of this exercise, but I think this needs to be mentioned. I missed this little nugget when it came around the first time and I’m betting others did too.  The scribus…

  • Another App that deserves some mention

    Now this isn’t, strictly, a Desktop Publishing app and frankly, I’ll probably get some flack from some folks who aren’t terribly thrilled with the idea of it being used due to ownership but the fact remains it did the task I needed – fantastically. That app is VirtualBox.   My original Book sources are in Pagemaker…

  • About the Useless User

    There is a common view in OSS that end-users who don’t contribute to a project in any way other than *gasp* using the project aren’t terribly important.  Some projects far more loudly than others.  I’m of the strong view that this is a huge limiter in the adoption and useful to the user growth of…