Building Scribus 150 SVN
I will try not to dwell much on issues building issues and dependency hell because it is a somewhat different problem than the point of this exercise, but I think this needs to be mentioned. I missed this little nugget when it came around the first time and I’m betting others did too. The scribus…
Another App that deserves some mention
Now this isn’t, strictly, a Desktop Publishing app and frankly, I’ll probably get some flack from some folks who aren’t terribly thrilled with the idea of it being used due to ownership but the fact remains it did the task I needed – fantastically. That app is VirtualBox. My original Book sources are in Pagemaker…
The Books
There are three projects I will be recreating using Scribus. The first is Lace and Steel, a novel Romantic Europe era RPG by the inexplicable Paul Kidd. The second edition of this game has interesting distinction of being the first RPG printed by Lightning Print before they changed their name to Lightning Source. It was…
What’s this all about?
Short version? This is my travels and troubles with Scribus. I’m going to attempt to make some barely scientific use-case studies of attempts to rebuild some old projects of my originally done in Pagemaker 6.0/6.5. My previous layout and publishing experience is in the RPG Industry. I have the dubious distinction of putting the first…
About the Useless User
There is a common view in OSS that end-users who don’t contribute to a project in any way other than *gasp* using the project aren’t terribly important. Some projects far more loudly than others. I’m of the strong view that this is a huge limiter in the adoption and useful to the user growth of…
Got any book recommendations?